List of loaded documents (141-360 / 509)
141. Accommodation Operation Guideline for Flood Preparedness, Godawari Municipality, 2020
142. Guideline for Emergency Operation Center of Godawari Municipality (GMEOC)
143. Gender Based Violence Mitigation Fund Operation Guideline for Godawari Municipality, 2077
144. Godawari Municipality Disaster Management Fund Operation Guideline, 2075
145. Municipal Profile of Godawari Municipality, 2076
146. District Profile of Dhading
147. Neelkantha Municipality Budget Speech for FY 2077/78
148. Municipality Level Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) - Neelkantha Municipality, 2021
149. Volunteer Mobilization Guideline for Neelkantha Municipality, 2079
150. Neelkantha Municipality DRRM Profile (Tayar Nepal Project Baseline Assessment)
151. Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) for Disaster Evaluation Guideline, Neelkantha Municipality, 2021
152. Policies and Plans for FY 2077/78 Neelkantha Municipality
153. COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment Fund Operation Guideline 2077
154. Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan of Neelkantha Municipality - LDCRP 2075
155. Profile of Neelkantha Municipality
156. Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan 2023 (मनसुन पूर्वतयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य राष्ट्रिय कार्ययोजना २०८०)
157. National Ambulance Guideline 2021 (राष्ट्रिय एम्बुलेन्स निर्देशिका, २०७८)
158. Mortuary van Guidelines 2020 (शव बाहन सेवा संचालन तथा व्यवस्थापन निर्देशिका २०७७)
159. DRR&M Act for Butwal Sub-Metropolitan 2018 (बुटवल उप-महानगरपालिकाको विपद जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन ऐन, २०७५)
160. DRR&M Act for Madhav Narayan municipality (Kanchanpur) 2018 (माधव नारायण (कंचनपुर) नगरपालिकाको विपद जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन ऐन २०७५)
161. DRR&M Act for Khumbu Pasang Lahmu Rural Municipality 2017 (खुम्बु पासाङ ल्हामु गाउँपालिकाको प्रकोप ब्यबस्थापन कार्य योजना विनियम कार्यविधि २०७४)
162. Disaster Risk Reduction Volunteer Bureau Formation and Operation Guideline, 2020 (विपद् व्यवस्थापन स्वयंसेवक ब्युरो गठन तथा परिचालन कार्यविधि, २०७८)
163. Disaster Management Fund Mobilization Guideline, 2021 (विपद् व्यिस्थापन कोष सञ्चालन काययविधि, २०७९)
164. Nepal Rural Road Standards, First Revision 2055