List of loaded documents (341-420 / 485)
341. Risky Settlements Relocation and Integrated Settlement Development Procedure, 2018 (जोखिमयुक्त वस्ती स्थानान्तरण तथा एकीकृत वस्ती विकास सम्बन्धी कार्यविधि, २०७५)
342. National Disaster Response Framework, 2018 (राष्ट्रिय विपद् प्रतिकार्य कार्यढाँचा, २०७०)
343. Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) of Disaster Auditorial Guideline - 2072 (First Amendment, 2078)
344. Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation Learning Center (Operation and Management) Direction, 2021
345. MoFAGA Environment Friendly Local Governance Framework, 2021
346. District level stakeholders National DRR policy and Strategic Action Plan 2017-2030
347. National Action Plan on Disaster Management in Nepal,1996
348. Local Level Disaster Preparedness and Response Strategic Action Plan, 2021 (स्थानीय विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना तर्जुमा दिग्दर्शन, २०७८)
349. Guidelines for Celebrating Festivals, Processions, and Events in the Context of COVID-19, as per the Public Health Standards
350. Coordination and Operationalization Guideline of Social Institutions and Civil Society Organizations for the Control and Prevention of COVID - 19
351. Management of the Projects of Social Organizations Relating to COVID-19 Infections, 2020
352. Meetings Conduction Procedure, 2020 (बैठक संचालन सम्बन्धी कार्यविधि, २०७७)