List of loaded documents (1221-1476 / 1829)
1221. A Cost Effective Technology for Reducing Landslide Risk
1222. Present Status of Landslides in Nepal and Way forward
1223. Guidelines for Celebrating Festivals, Processions, and Events in the Context of COVID-19, as per the Public Health Standards
1224. Prevention of Flood through Indigenous Practices: Construction of Ponds
1225. Brief for GSDR, 2015: Monitoring Disaster Risk Reduction Targets
1226. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Nepal: Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities
1227. Coordination and Operationalization Guideline of Social Institutions and Civil Society Organizations for the Control and Prevention of COVID - 19
1228. Management of the Projects of Social Organizations Relating to COVID-19 Infections, 2020
1229. Meetings Conduction Procedure, 2020 (बैठक संचालन सम्बन्धी कार्यविधि, २०७७)
1230. Monsoon Emergency Action Plan, 2020 (मनसुन आपतकालिन कार्ययोजना, २०७७)
1231. Public Health Standard for COVID -19 Pandemic and Managed Lockdown 2020 (कोभिड १९ को महामारी र व्यवस्थित बन्दाबन्दीमा जनस्वास्थ्य मापदण्ड, २०७७)
1232. Managing Secondary Effects of COVID-19 Disaster and Enhancing Resilience of Community