List of loaded documents (561-1368 / 1762)
561. DRM Knowledge Brief
562. Disaster Risk Management: General Information (विपद् जोखिम व्यवस्थापन: सामान्य जानकारी)
563. Core Humanitarian Competency Framework: Supporting Humanitarians to Work Effectively
564. Social Protection Handbook (सामाजिक सुरक्षा हतेपुस्तिका)
565. Guidelines on Non-structural measures in Urban Flood Management
566. Gender-transformative Early Warning Systems
567. Gender and Inclusion in Disaster Risk Management in Nepal
568. Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Developmental Activities (विकास प्रक्रियामा विपद्जोखिम न्यूनीकरणको मूलप्रवाहीकरण तथा समावेशिकरण) -Nepali
569. United Nations Flood Systems Summit, 2021
570. The Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)-Pandemic Risk Reduction and Management (PRRM)
571. Minimize the Risk of Thunderbolt, Make Lives Safer (चटयाङको जोखिम घटाऔं, जीवन सुक्षित बनाऔं)
572. Covid-19 implications for localizationCovid-19 implications for localization
573. Benefits and Burden: A Case Study of Gandak River Agreement
574. Accountability to Affected populations in times of the Pandemic
575. Foundation of Restoration Ecology
576. Lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers
577. Disaster Management Course
578. Preliminary Childhood Development National Strategy 2020/21 (प्रारम्भिक बाल विकास राष्ट्रिय रणनीति, २०७७/२०८८)
579. Emergency Communication System Level Compliance and Operation Standards, 2018 (आपत्कालीन संचार प्रणालीको तहगत आबद्धता र संचालन मापदण्ड, २०७५)
580. Prime Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund Operation Regulations (प्रधानमन्त्री दैवी प्रकोप उद्धार कोष सञ्चालन नियमावली, २०६३)
581. Deluge in Nepal and India
582. Approach Paper on Protection against Lightening (PaL)
583. Integrated Report of the Social Sector Thematic Working Group (सामाजिक क्षेत्र विषयगत समुहको संश्लेषित प्रतिवेदन)
584. Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Thematic Working Group’s Integrated Report (पूर्वतयारी, प्रतिकार्य र पुनर्लाभ विषयगत समुहको संश्लेषित प्रतिवेदन)