
DPRP 2021 (जिल्ला वियद् पुर्व तयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य योजना, २०७७)-Mugu


The Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) 2077 for Mugu District provides a comprehensive framework for managing disaster risks and enhancing preparedness in the region. It covers the district's geographical, demographic, and infrastructural context, including terrain, climate, water resources, health services, transportation, water supply, and communication infrastructure. The plan outlines expected outcomes, objectives, strategies, and policy arrangements for disaster management, emphasizing collaboration among humanitarian partners. It includes detailed hazard mapping and risk assessments at various administrative levels, identifies specific roles and responsibilities for disaster response, and sets out action plans for risk reduction and preparedness, including provisions for search and rescue, food and agriculture, water and sanitation, education, camp management, protection, and health and nutrition.  


Legal Document


Action Plan

Published Year: