
Lightning Threats in Nepal: Occurrence and Human Impacts


The fatality rate in the middle hilly region is twice that of the southern plains, even though the plains have a higher population and lightning stroke density. This can be attributed to the nighttime passage of the lightning peak warning hour over the southern plains. On a district level, the connection between lightning deaths and the density of people living in high stroke-density areas is weak. Hence, there is a pressing need for cost-effective lightning protection systems to be installed in houses, especially in the hilly region. Furthermore, it is essential to conduct extensive lightning awareness and safety programs in the hilly regions. This study underscores the importance of addressing lightning-related risks in these areas. The outcome of this study, under the topic of lightning occurrence, can be very helpful in the mitigation of human fatalities in Nepal and can be an example for other researchers in various countries across the globe.


Research Paper, Journal


Taylor and Francis

Published Year: