On March 15, 2024, DPNet held its 15th General Assembly at the Alpha House in Baneshwor, Kathmandu. The event was chaired by Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, DPNet Chairperson, and Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Director, Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Authority (NDRRMA) served as the chief guest of the program. The program was honored by the presence of officials from the government such as Mr. Dhruba Khadka, Joint Secretary, Mr. Rishi Raj Aacharya, Joint Secretary, Ms. Ranjana Rai, Section officer at Disaster Study Risk Reduction and Recovery Section, MoHA, Mr. Chandra Prakash Gharti, Mayor Bheri municipality along with DRR experts such as Dr. Bishal Nath Upreti and representatives from various organizations working on DRR.
DPNet organized a virtual discussion program on March 14th to solicit feedback on the draft Climate Change Act introduced by the Nepal Law Commission. The event saw the participation of 71 stakeholders, including civil society organizations and climate change experts. The program was chaired by Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet, who emphasized the importance of the draft Climate Change Bill. He highlighted the ongoing virtual discussion on DPNet's webpage to collect further feedback on the draft act and encouraged participants to contribute their written feedback.
March 11, 2024 - DPNet Nepal organized a significant discussion session focusing on the CHS and Sphere Standard Localization in Nepal. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chair of DPNet Nepal chaired the program, which was attended by distinguished guests such as Mr. Kedar Neupane, Former Secretary of the Government of Nepal, and the representatives from stakeholder organizations with a long history of working in the humanitarian sector.
On February 28, 2024, DPNet hosted a virtual discussion program in preparation for the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR), 2024, using the Zoom platform. This online gathering, chaired by DPNet Chair, Surya Bahadur Thapa, and with the contextual matter of APMCDRR Preparations set by Vice Chair Dr. Raju Thapa, drew participation from 40 attendees.
In a virtual event held on 19th February 2024 in support of UN FAO, the DPNet shared the aftermath and recovery efforts following the devastating Jajarkot earthquake. This online gathering, chaired by DPNet Chair, Surya Bahadur Thapa, and with the contextual stage set by Vice Chair Dr. Raju Thapa, drew participation from 64 attendees, highlighting the urgency and importance of post disaster review in the wake of recent Jajarkot earthquake.
On February 15, 2024, the World Social Forum was inaugurated in Nepal. The event last for five days from February 15 to 19 in Bhrikutimandap Kathmandu. In the present context where the global community is currently coping with a multifaceted crisis encompassing environmental issues, food insecurity, epidemics, natural disasters, poverty, inequality, discrimination, and intensifying violence and conflict worldwide.