List of loaded documents (1441-1740 / 1761)
1441. Bulletin on: Involving the Communities in Disaster Risk Management
1442. Students’ Summit for Earthquake Safety, 2008
1443. Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines of Buildings in Nepal, Training Curriculum (Construction)
1444. An Act Made to Provide for Reconstruction of the Earthquake Affected Structure
1445. Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines of Building in Nepal, Part 1 (Engineer)
1446. Handbook on Community Engagement
1447. Natural Calamity Relief Act 1982 (दैवी प्रकोप उद्दार ऐन, २०३९)
1448. National Strategy for Disaster Management, 2009 (विपद् जोखिम व्यवस्थापन राष्ट्रिय रणनीति, २०६६)
1449. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2017 (विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यिस्थापन ऐन, २०७४)
1450. District Preparedness and Response Plan 2074, Gorkha (विपद् पूर्वतयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य योजना, २०१७ गोर्खा)
1451. National DRR Strategic Plan of Action 2018-2030 विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रिय रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना)
1452. National Position Paper, GPDRR 2017